When to Call a Baytown Plumbing Contractor

Baytown Plumber

Baytown Plumber

Plumbing problems occur when we least expect it. Knowing when to call a plumber is important. Homeowners can get away with fixing some problems. Unfortunately, the homeowner could possibly be putting a bandaid on the problem while a bigger problem arises out of the original plumbing issue costing them much more money. In addition, attempting to fix a plumbing problem can result in personal injury, major property damage, and lots of additional repairs needed. If you experience any of these five problems, you need to call a plumber.

Low Water Pressure

You can see dribbling sinks and showers when this occurs. The problem is not easy to pinpoint. When you experience low water pressure the cause can be pipe obstructions, city supply issues, and poor pipe design. A plumber can recognize the source of your problem and fix it promptly correctly the first time. If you try to fix this yourself and fail, the low-pressure issue can actually damage your home and sewer lines resulting in more low flow enjoyment. Call your plumber!

No Hot Water

When your water heater fails, the homeowner enjoys cold showers. The water heater break downs can occur from a total breakdown to minor component defects that can simply be replaced. It’s definitely a great idea to hire a plumber to handle the source of your water heater’s breakdown. A homeowner shouldn’t play with electrical and gas systems as this can result in personal injury or damage to their home.

Pipe Blockage

If your pipes are backing up regularly and in a severe manner, it can be a blocked sewer line. The culprits can be tree roots, sediment build up, or non-flushable items affecting your sewer line. When a homeowner tries to clear a blockage on their own using chemicals or rodding machines, they can result in paying thousands of dollars to repair the damage they have just done to their sewer lines. This is especially important to have a plumber work on broken or punctured sewer lines because it can expose your home to raw sewage.

Burst Pipe

Baytown Leak Detection

Baytown Leak Detection

A burst pipe occurs in winter when frozen ice melts in the pipes. As the ice melts, it expands causing the pipe to break. These problems can be costly. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers works hard improving the materials made for plumbing pipes to avoid this.   For example, a cracked pipe can cause major flooding and cost thousands of dollars in water damage. Sometimes locating the cracked pipe can be difficult to locate and requires an experienced plumber. You can find damage anywhere even in your yard, below the foundation, and even in your walls. This is not a plumbing problem you want to delay. As soon as the plumber finds the problem, he can begin the water abatement process. The longer this problem goes unsolved the more time the water can seem into places it shouldn’t and cause more costly damage to the home.

Major Installation

It’s common sense if you have any major appliance or fixtures that need to be installed that you should hire a professional. If you are not a plumber and you don’t have the proper knowledge to install your appliance, don’t install it. You cause yourself an expensive repair or even worse an entire re-installation of the appliance. Definitely, have a plumber help when you are doing any renovations involving moving any appliances and fixtures. Even items like sinks and dishwashers will require the experience of a plumber. Don’t ruin expensive appliance and spend a little extra to get it done right.

Categories: Plumber